Trigger Warning: The following article contains details about murder and gun violence. We’re there once again, on that early afternoon on April 9, 1922, watching from behind wide, untouched trees, sitting among wildflowers, wild life, and wild ginger. Deputy Sheriff Byrd Daugherty’s side came upon Daniel Britton Daugherty’s side onContinue Reading

. . . [and they] arose against me; they laid to my charge things that I knew not. They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. Psalm 35:11-12 Written (in part) on the back of Daniel Britton Daugherty’s tombstone   Thank you to Zach Foster andContinue Reading

One fine autumn day, a few months after my father passed away, my mother and I sat at the old cherrywood dining table and waxed nostalgic over old photographs. Like always, I soaked up every word and story, relishing even the stories I’ve heard over and over – about soContinue Reading

Welcome to our continuing series about Appalachian hauntings. In this post, we’ll be journeying to Georgia, Kentucky, and Mississippi. Enjoy the history and the goose bumps. Georgia Barnsley Gardens – Bartow County Background: Godfrey Barnsley (1805-1873) was an Englishman who came to America in 1824 and soon became one ofContinue Reading

**With Correction – Thank you, reader Linda, for helping to keep our Appalachian stories accurate! I came upon “Aunt Jenny” by doing a little research about paranormal events in Appalachian states. I was quite flabbergasted after reading her story. On one hand, she was a venomous and unforgiving woman (understandablyContinue Reading

Detective Gowan stood across from me and fiddled with some recorder. He perked up when another detective entered the room. “Name’s Bob,” he said. “Bob Kroy.” He slid a paper in front of me. “Sign this before you make your statement. Says you’re tellin’ the truth – to the bestContinue Reading

**Warning:  Graphic Depictions of Violence in this post Have you ever met the devil in Appalachia? Alone in unnerving wooded areas day or night? The devil wears different disguises. For some, he is a brawny satyr with goat legs, bovine horns, and an arrowed pin tail. For others, the devilContinue Reading