You’re here. Welcome. We are so pleased you’ve considered Appalachia Bare. We accept original, human-generated works unique to Appalachia or the Appalachian experience. We accept works from all writers – new or established – as well as simultaneous submissions. We do require that the writer inform us if the manuscript has been accepted elsewhere.

Submission is year-round. You may submit in a particular genre as many times as you like, but please wait six months after each publication before submitting in that genre again. You may submit in other genres during the six month period. At present, our response time is less than two months.

We believe bona fide stories dwell in Appalachia and we understand each person holds his or her own narrative. Please read the following guidelines before sending us your work. If guidelines are not adhered, your work may not be considered.



  • Articles must be topics unique to Appalachia or the Appalachian experience.
  • Submit one (1) complete article no longer than 3000 words.
  • Submissions preferred in Word .docx or .doc or PDF format. No Google docs, please.
  • Submissions must be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. The author’s name should appear on the top right-hand corner of each page.
  • Interviews are the only form exception.
  • Submit your work via email to with the entry category (nonfiction) in the subject line.
  • Our editors read and review all submissions and make suggested edits to the writer, if needed. As a rule, Appalachia Bare does not publish edited material without the writer’s permission. If revisions don’t meet the writer’s approval, we will work with the writer and discuss any issues. Further rewrites after the initial edits are not permitted.
  • We do accept book chapters or excerpts, as long as the submission is sent in electronic format and meets the guidelines defined here.
  • In the body of the email, please include the author’s name, the post’s title, genre, and word count, along with the author’s contact information and a short 3rd-person bio (100 words or less).



  • Short stories and flash fiction must be original and complete.
  • We do accept novel and play excerpts as long as the submission is sent in electronic format and meets the guidelines defined here.
  • Submissions must be one (1) short story or two (2) flash fiction or one (1) novel excerpt or one (1) short play or play excerpt.
  • Submissions preferred in Word .docx or .doc or PDF format. No Google docs, please.
  • Submissions cannot exceed 3000 words and must be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. The author’s name should appear on the top right-hand corner of each page.
  • Plays are the only form exception.
  • Submit your work via email to with the entry category (fiction, flash fiction, etc.) in the subject line.
  • Our editors read and review all submissions and make suggested edits to the writer, if needed. As a rule, Appalachia Bare does not publish edited material without the writer’s permission. If revisions don’t meet the writer’s approval, we will work with the writer and discuss any issues. Further rewrites after the initial edits are not permitted.
  • In the body of the email, please include the author’s name, the post’s title, genre, and word count, along with the author’s contact information and a short 3rd-person bio (100 words or less).



  • Submit one (1) email with no more than three (3) poems in separate files. No epic poems, please. Each poem should be no longer than 60 lines.
  • Submissions preferred in Word .docx or .doc or PDF format. No Google docs, please.
  • Submit your work via email to with the entry category (poetry) in the subject line.
  • In the body of the email, please include the poet’s name, the title of each poem, the contact information, and a short 3rd-person bio (100 words or less).
  • The poet’s name and email should be on the top right-hand corner of each poem.
  • Poetry must be single-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font, unless this interferes with the poem’s form.



  • We only receive images in digital files, and, therefore, cannot accept material samples.
  • Please email attachments or a link of your photography and/or art portfolio to with the entry category in the subject line (photography, art, etc.).
  • In the body of the email, please include the artist/ photographer name, the title of each entry, the contact information, and a short 3rd-person bio (100 words or less).
  • JPEG images preferred. PNG acceptable.
  • Some photos may need size adjustment before publishing.



  • Music submissions can be submitted via audio (MP3) or video.
  • Submit up to three (3) music pieces, not to exceed twelve (12) minutes in total length.
  • Scripted lyrics and written ballads are also considered in the music category. Written submissions preferred in Word .docx or .doc or PDF format. No Google docs, please.
  • Submit your work via email to with the entry category (music, lyrics, ballad) in the subject line.
  • In the body of the email, please include the artist’s name, the work’s title, genre (music) along with the artist’s contact information and a short 3rd-person bio (100 words or less).




  • Book, poetry, music, and video reviews must feature topics unique to Appalachia, the Appalachian experience, or be created by Appalachian writers or artists.
  • Submit one (1) complete review no longer than 3000 words.
  • Submissions preferred in Word .docx or .doc or PDF format. No Google docs, please.
  • Submissions must be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. The author’s name should appear on the top right-hand corner of each page.
  • Submit your work via email to with the review category (book, music, poetry, video) in the subject line, along with the title of the work being reviewed.
  • Our editors read and review all submissions and make suggested edits to the writer, if needed. As a rule, Appalachia Bare does not publish edited material without the writer’s permission. If revisions don’t meet the writer’s approval, we will work with the writer and discuss any issues. Further rewrites after the initial edits are not permitted.
  • In the body of the email, please include the author’s name, the article’s title, genre, and word count, along with the author’s contact information and a short 3rd-person bio (100 words or less).

From Appalachia Bare

  • Requests for Appalachia Bare to review books, poetry, music, video, etc., are considered.
  • Send your query to with “requested review” in the subject line, along with the title of the work.
  • In the body of the email, please include:
    • The petitioner’s name and name of the author/ artist, if not the petitioner.
    • The work’s title and genre (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, music, video).
    • Contact information and a short 3rd-person bio (100 words or less) for the author/ artist.
  • We consider requests for album reviews on a case-by-case basis.



  • Video submissions are accepted.
  • Submit a film not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes in total length.
  • Submit your work via email to with the word “video” and the entry’s title in the subject line.
  • In the body of the email, please include the creator’s name, the video title, along with contact information and a short 3rd-person bio (100 words or less).
  • Longer submissions are considered but will be divided into sections totaling fifteen (15) minutes.



Please mail us directly to:

P.O. Box 27856
Knoxville, TN 37927



By sub­mit­ting your work, you are stating that you are the sole author/ artist and that you retain all rights for your work. Upon accep­tance, Appalachia Bare receives exclu­sive First Ser­ial rights with the understanding that the work may be archived on our Appalachia Bare website. Once published, all other rights return to the author and/or artist. Republishing should acknowledge that the work was orig­i­nally pub­lished by Appalachia Bare.



  • Appalachia Bare reserves the right not to accept hate speech or hate images, gratuitous nudity, or violently explicit content.
  • Appalachia Bare is not responsible for lost or damaged manuscripts.
  • While we appreciate technology and its advances, Appalachia Bare will only accept human-generated content without AI material or influence at this time.
  • Send questions to


**Page and Slider Photo Source:  John T. Whitaker, war correspondent from Chattanooga, Tennessee writing in his Pickett State Park cabin – September 1941
Tennessee State Library & Archives