Some of our readers may remember receiving valentine cards in elementary school. February 14th was a highly anticipated day for school children. We had parties back then with candy and cake and punch. My mother took my brother and I shopping for valentines. We could choose any set we wantedContinue Reading

I spy my love   along the ridge,   a silhouette   in shadows of black. I stand with my heart   a breakin’   ‘fore I fear   he’s not coming back. We were to be married   this autumn   but the war broke out   in June. With brothers at odds   in the fighting,   I fearContinue Reading

1. You and I lived nowhere by the river among the frogs, mushrooms, and flowers that flourished beside the sidewalks of our neighborhood. In the light of moon against the southern trees blowing in wind from the west, Your phone and my face glowed as we talked about what weContinue Reading