Editor’s Poke 2022

The past year was certainly interesting. I hope the visits to Appalachia Bare have offered something special – a few laughs, a bit of knowledge, a good story or two, some remarkable poetry, amazing photographers, or amusement from our films. You may have noticed a few changes to the site. We do our best to improve your reading experience. Hopefully, we’ve made things a little better. This endeavor has truly been our joy, and we’re so grateful for our 200 (!) subscribers. Please, tell others about us. Our stories – our real stories –have a welcoming space here.

In 2022, Appalachia Bare hopes to broaden our journey throughout the Appalachian region. We hope to uncover a little more, chip away at our layers, and reveal ourselves, piece by piece. Along the way, we’ll find gold nuggets or vivid silver or glistening jewels . . . and bits of rock here and there. So, let’s begin here. Allow me to light the lantern and guide us all on this expedition.

We’ll meet some golden writers, painters, or musicians on our journey. Brilliant composers and pickers will play and tell tales of melodies. Luminous authors and poets will make appearances along the way. Our paths will include odd place names like Frog Eye or Knockemstiff or Stinking Creek. Plants will be plentiful for wildcrafting, and a few animals will make appearances. We’ll snap glowing photos on the trek. A vintage car, painted ruby red or emerald green, will be revved and ready for a stop at a drive-in movie. Many different, charming peoples will greet us, some of whom may stop for an interview. Precious charitable places will open their doors for us to plant our gear and take a load off. Once rested, a dangerous rocky path awaits us, and we’ve been told to watch out for immorality, kidnapping, feuds, murder, and mayhem. We make it through, intact and a little wiser for the trek back.

Of course, we’ll always have room in our packs for more beauties – even rocks. After all, rocks and stones can build a foundation, set a path, and, well, craft a house. And, really, what would we do without them? Thank you for indulging me, reading along, and deciphering my silly, little metaphors. I hope all creative Appalachians out there will consider our site as a venue to tell their stories and as a place to better our great mountainous region.


  1. I love you site! Thank you for all the interesting & beautiful work!

    1. Author

      Thank you very much, Karen! I’m glad you think so. That truly means so much.

    2. Thanks Karen! I’m so pleased you’re enjoying it.
      Warmest regards,

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