When you hook about a dozen fish the day seems bright and good until you hook that certain one that reels in like dead wood alarmed, anticipating, struggling to be free then after strength had worn quite thin simply trusting me, placing total trust in me to set him freeContinue Reading

The following tale, “Legend of Rockface,” can be found in Ivy Love Brown’s short story anthology, Mr. Lotman.    “WHAT I’M ABOUT TO TELL YOU AIN’T NO TALL TALE. It’s true. Every line. I’ve fished this here water my whole life. I’ve seen every bit of ribbon that is theContinue Reading

The day I spotted the help wanted ad I was three years into a dead-end job relocating displaced families for the Tennessee Department of Transportation. My low-paid position was a stepping-stone to nowhere; Tennessee’s unofficial motto, as 49th in state pay, was “thank God for Mississippi.” The regional boss, aContinue Reading