Mother: Time by Claire Elise Baker
Anymore, the bearded faces that smothered my cheeks with burns and kisses have been shaved. Some buried. The dresses now are too small, the laced edges ripped . . . Continue Reading
Online Magazine
Anymore, the bearded faces that smothered my cheeks with burns and kisses have been shaved. Some buried. The dresses now are too small, the laced edges ripped . . . Continue Reading
The ornaments on my Christmas tree tell the story of my life. Fisherman for Mamaw hangs at the top, she’s gone now, but that man smiles like she did when she saw me opening my gifts. Red hope, an ornament for losing her and remembering her a year later whenContinue Reading
“Shut up, you fucker. You smart-ass. If I wasn’t crippled, I’d get up right now and smack your head and ass together.” – Mamaw from J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy My suspicion is that J.D. Vance tries to shock his readers by pretending he’s unfazed by his family’s white trashContinue Reading
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